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  • Jacob Hoffman-Andrews's avatar
    Run gRPC backends on multiple IPs instead of multiple ports (#3679) · a4421ae7
    Jacob Hoffman-Andrews authored
    We're currently stuck on gRPC v1.1 because of a breaking change to certificate validation in gRPC 1.8. Our gRPC balancer uses a static list of multiple hostnames, and expects to validate against those hostnames. However gRPC expects that a service is one hostname, with multiple IP addresses, and validates all those IP addresses against the same hostname. See grpc/grpc-go#2012.
    If we follow gRPC's assumptions, we can rip out our custom Balancer and custom TransportCredentials, and will probably have a lower-friction time in general.
    This PR is the first step in doing so. In order to satisfy the "multiple IPs, one port" property of gRPC backends in our Docker container infrastructure, we switch to Docker's user-defined networking. This allows us to give the Boulder container multiple IP addresses on different local networks, and gives it different DNS aliases in each network.
    In, each shard of a service listens on a different DNS alias for that service, and therefore a different IP address. The listening port for each shard of a service is now identical.
    This change also updates the gRPC service certificates. Now, each certificate that is used in a gRPC service (as opposed to something that is "only" a client) has three names. For instance, sa1.boulder, sa2.boulder, and sa.boulder (the generic service name). For now, we are validating against the specific hostnames. When we update our gRPC dependency, we will begin validating against the generic service name.
    Incidentally, the DNS aliases feature of Docker allows us to get rid of some hackery in that inserted entries into /etc/hosts.
    Note: Boulder now has a dependency on the DNS aliases feature in Docker. By default, docker-compose run creates a temporary container and doesn't assign any aliases to it. We now need to specify docker-compose run --use-aliases to get the correct behavior. Without --use-aliases, Boulder won't be able to resolve the hostnames it wants to bind to.